🎭Characters & Groups

Create lovable characters.


See the page linked below for a general overview and explanation of creating and using a story element.

🧩Story Elements


What would a good story be without any characters in it? It is important to create lovable characters your readers can transpose themself into. Use the characters tool to organize your ideas, but also as an inspiration. Have a look at our attributes to come up with background information you didn't even think about. Use the avatar generator if you can't find the right online depiction of your character.


  • Age

  • Gender

  • Date of Birth

  • Job

  • Job Satisfaction

  • Health

  • Relationships

  • Pets

  • World

  • Area of Residence

  • Neighbourhood

  • Home description

  • Height

  • Weight

  • Ethnicity

  • Skintone

  • Eye Color

  • Distinguish Feature

  • Other Facial Feature

  • Hairstyle

  • Body Type

  • Clothing Style

  • Accessories

  • Skills

  • Incompetence

  • Talent

  • Weakness

  • Hobbies

  • Habits

  • Moral

  • Self Control

  • Motivation

  • Discouragement

  • Confidence Level

  • Greatest Fear

  • Childhood

  • Important Past Events

  • Best Accomplishments

  • Other Accomplishments

  • Failure

  • Secrets

  • Best Memories

  • Worst Memories

  • Story Role

  • Short Term Goals

  • Long Term Goals

Character Groups

A story almost always relies on a clash of two or more groups of characters with different ideas about a topic. Create character groups to write about their background and much more with the following unique attributes.

For example: families, rebellion groups, ethnic groups, etc.


Character Group
  • Alternate names

  • Biggest Achievement

  • Other Achievement

  • Biggest Failure

  • Other Failures

  • Territory

  • Headquarter

  • Transport

  • Technology and Science

  • Unique Possessions

  • Culture

  • Flag

  • Slogan

  • Philosophy

  • Long Term Goals

  • Short Term Goals

  • Traditions

  • Rules

  • Associated Trademark Item

  • Punishments

  • Treasures

  • Origin

  • Founder

  • Founding Date

  • Founding History

  • Major Historical Events

  • Dissolution Date

  • Dissolution Events

  • Social Hierarchy

  • Highest Rank

  • 2nd Highest Rank

  • 3th Highest Rank

  • 1st Medium Rank

  • 2nd medium Rank

  • 3th Medium Rank

  • 3th Lowest Rank

  • 2nd Lowest Rank

  • Lowest Rank


You can link characters to a character group. Open your character group, tap on edit and scroll down to the members section. Select a character from the list and see how it is added to this group. It is that simple.

Last updated